Mastering crontab with ChatGPT

With #ChatGPT, conquer complex crontab syntax effortlessly.

Example: ‘Create a crontab schedule that will allow a job to run between 1am to 5am every weekday, and then 12pm to 3pm on weekends.’


# Weekdays (Monday to Friday) between 1am and 5am
0 1 * * 1-5 your_command_here

# Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) between 12pm and 3pm
0 12 * * 6,7 your_command_here
1 13 * * 6,7 your_command_here
2 14 * * 6,7 your_command_here
3 15 * * 6,7 your_command_here

Replace your_command_here with the actual command you want to run during those time periods.


  • For weekdays (Monday to Friday), the schedule 0 1 * * 1-5 runs the command at 1am every day from Monday to Friday.
  • For weekends (Saturday and Sunday), the schedules 0 12 * * 6,7, 1 13 * * 6,7, 2 14 * * 6,7, and 3 15 * * 6,7 run the command at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. This effectively covers the 12pm to 3pm time range on weekends.
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